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                ABOUT US

                 SHENZHEN START INTERNATIONAL GROUP LTD, located in shenzhen, one of the three largest financial center, for many years the highest per capita GDP, Asia's largest electronic products distribution center, young and energetic port city - shenzhen.

                With the rapid development of science and technology and the transformation of traditional industries and the impact of the real economy, the company was founded. By the industry sales of senior and experienced technical joint for $3 million, mainly in industrial welding and cutting equipment research and development, production, sales, service as one of the modern comprehensive production management team.

                In the short year after its establishment, our sales volume broke through RMB 10 million, and the total export volume of foreign trade exceeded us $1 million. The sales and service network is all over the world, the products are exported to Asia, Europe, Australia, the United States, not five continents and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan area.

                The company adhered to the principle of people-oriented, service first, core of quality and technical first, constantly improving quality, improving details and optimizing performance. In the process of rapid development and continuous learning, we take a humble and cautious attitude and seek for perfection.

                It is always good to compete with one another, and three will not follow the crowd. Adhering to ourselves, seeking truth from facts, striving for innovation and mutual benefit are our consistent commitments and pursuits.

                NEWS CENTER